
Thursday, March 31, 2011


Went over to XinYi's place today :)
She helped me with the manicure.
Just pink w. silver and gold lining. Simple & Nice!
Ignore the tiny holes/dents on my middle finger nails. Ugh!
I know its ugly :(   but I seriously donch know what happened to it.
I usually take good care of my nails, keep them clean and long.
Are these holes caused by some diseases? :(
But anyway, thanks to this girl for the manicure :D
Common chit chatting can be so fun with her around.

Ordered the whole set online for Baby :P
I want this to be in his car. HAHA.
awww! how cute.
Miss the angry birds on my bday cake

You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times.
But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by.
It's actions, not words, that matter.

Someday, sometime,
I'm gonna hold the control.
Come back, happy life.

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