
Friday, April 1, 2011

VANS day out.

Accompanied Baby Dear for a day :)
His hair was short enough, but he still wanna go for a haircut,
make it shorter and shorter.
He looks like a lil boy to me now
Poor thing! He still have to bring me out on his only day off :(
Look at his angry bird's face :P

Never wear vans shoes for quite a long time ady.
Baby asked me to wear it today, cos he's wearing his too :P
Different colours, mine navy and baby's dark blue :)
But I love converse sneakers more :D

Hmmmm... going to work in PC Fair tmrw.
It's been a year since I last work for others.
So I'm getting a little excited now :x

I think it's better for me to at least get a job during my 6weeks long hols.
I've been rotting and slacking all the way for the past 3 weeks.
*yawn* so it's time for me to go out and work?
Ohyaa, thanks alot to Juinyie for getting me the job :D
I wanna earn earn earn & save save save!
Should get a Razer Goliathus as his bday pressie.
How fortunate he is to have a sista like me :P
wink* wink*
I need a new phone. I want iPhone4!
and I'm so in love with the angry bird iPhone4 case :D
The red bird super cute can! HAHA.

I shall go to bed now :)

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