
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Morning world :)

Time, 9.30am and I'm here infront of my lappie  o.O
I know its abit impossible. HAHA.
Woke up early @7 to have BigBreakfast with Juinyie & Qinggui,
before they went off to class.
It's been quite awhile since I last woke up that early.
Thanks Baby for waking me up :P
Queued 15mins at MCD this morning, fast food -.-
Both of them end up late for class. Opps*

Hung out with XinYi yesterday :D
Went singing after those sickness,
had trouble with my voice :\
This girl is awesome, my BFF
We dun meet often but we have too much things to chat of whenever we meet! :)
awww. How I hope her application to SP gonna be a successful one!

That day was terrible.
my poor modem crashed, struck by lightning!!!
Can imagine how weak my modem is :(
my desktop driver and mummy room's TV as well.
No internet connection & got nothing to do for whole day, whole night :(
no modem = cannot online = can DIE!
Thanks daddy for getting a new modem,
he's a poker fan, cannot live without internet connection also:P

OMG>< superrrrrrrrr cute with the puppy!
He loves camwhoring when he was a kid, i guess :P

Never ignore the person who talks to you.
You just made the one who cares for u a fool.
What would you feel, if you were treated the same way? :(

Life's short, so be with who you wanna be with,
love the ones who bring smile to your face.

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