No more scissors, paper, stone. HAHA
Peace, no war? :P
Have to take GEMS - General Elective Modules next sem.
*yawn* Registration time 10AM tmrw morning.
So have to wake up early again. and wait till 10AM reaches.
Nahh! I'm not being
Have to be fast, before seats for the module I chosen got taken.
Deciding which modules to choose made me really frustrated.
Thinking of the good & bad of the module.
Any assignments to do, is there a need to sit for exam to pass that module,
Cos too much tested module next sem :<
Cannot afford to any take tested module anymore, I can go crazy!!!
Here comes my first choice, The Revealing Eye in Digital Photography (DE502A).
Includes lectures on techniques of composition and lighting, the use of colour and B&W, and understanding basic camera controls.
Hmmmm.... this module requires digital camera during tutorial.
Its okay, I've one :)
and I donch own a DSLR anyway.
What if, what if
Then it will be either Etiquette and Professional Image (BA516B) or Psychology and Counselling (ST508S).
Professional image will be bout how to dress appropriately to suit your personal style, your build and your skin tone, cover important aspects of business and social etiquette including how to make introductions and how to impress others with impeccable dining etiquette.
Psychology will be more bout how to understand your personality and others?
Which one sounds more interesting? :)
Off to buy books with Wanqin today :D
Done a lil shopping, Wanqin got herself a simple white flat.
Simple yet pretty :)
Spotted a cream pinkish heels before the flat. PERFECT!
We both love it, but ran out of size. sad case
You know, choosing a pair of right shoes for your feet is important.
I believe right shoes bring you to right place :)
I bought myself nothing today. Spent too much recently,
and need to be on my save save save plan.
Who on earth never made mistakes in life? Come on!
Me myself, I did mistakes too :x
Everyone do, life didn't come with instructions,
life itself didn't teach us what to do and what not to.
So everyone says forgive & forget.
Its not mistakes that matter, its if you're willing to learn from your mistakes.
Before sign off here,
Big girl turns 18th today, big enough.
Road ahead is not so easy, but stay strong girl.
You may not read this, but I know you can do it! :)
Hope you love the bday pressie ya.
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