
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I've been very busy these few days.
Seldom stays at home & help mommy in houseworks.
So I think I shall be a goodgirl at home today? :P

My schedule was packed past few days,
and yeaa, for the nest few days too :)
Is this a good thing or a bad one? hmmmmmmm....
Puilyn James Jesmond Darryl visited me in JB here on Mon.
Drive them around to alot of places, we were like eat eat eat all the way!
Bak kut teh, chicken, tze char, tako ball, durian pancake...
Asked Juinyie joined us for dinner that day.
Friendly ppl should be friends with friendly ppl ain't? HAHA
then we had crab, prawn, fish all seafoods.
Nahh, I'm craving for the crab now :x

There goes my Tues,
visited SMKPJ2 with part of Berlians to collect our actual SPM cert.
Long time since we visited our old school.
Nothing changed, the old staircase, old corridor, old stall outside sch,
and our old headmistress :D
chit chat with Pn.Ong and lotsa teachers, but Mr.Hadi not there.
Guess what? The auntie @the stall outside our school can still remember us.
She was so happy when she saw us.
Uhhh, I miss sec school life :(

Then we went Moonlight :)
They serve pretty and nice cakes there. aww
Juinyie Qinggui Xiaohui sing me Bday song with a candle on my Mango Yogurt cake.
They are always there with me, sing me Bday song every year.
Although not everyone of them here with me this year, but at least I've them.
Thankiew, and thanks for the gift too :)
I'm grateful, I love them

I'm looking forward to Sat.
四湾岛trip with relatives, family and Baby.
Baby took leave just to be there for me.

Ohh yea, facebook is great :D
I saw this on my events list!

Buck up.

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