It's been a week since my last update?
I had been very busy with my 19th Bday & Anniversary with Baby lately:D
Supposed to update bout my 19th day earlier.
Opps* Holiday causes me to be lazier & lazier.
so, this post gonna be flooded with alot of pichas.
Be patience with me alright :)
Where should I start from?
Hmmm....Though this year I only have a part of Berlians here in JB with me,
they're still great, real great!
They made it perfect for me, love them all♥ aww
They sang me two times of bday songs,
once was in moonlight and the other time was in Secret Recipe.
This girl sent me message to date me out for the second time,
it was the night before my bday, so sweet right? :)
Okay, if you ask why I amchio-ed in the pic I'm blowing the candle,
thanks to PCW-.- Grrr!
he said "jia jia chui xian" when XiaoHui was about take picha of me:P
When the clock striked 12 on 12 March,
was sitting alone in front of my lappie and Baby called me.
He wanted to be the first to wish me, and he's the first indeed :)
How sweet of him♥
On the actual day of my 19th, 12 March,
I woke up early & off we go 四湾岛.
For that 2days 1night trip with family, relatives & Baby,
Really do enjoy myself, this is what holiday is!!
Beach and babes, Football, Sands, BBQ dinner, Gambling & Dota session :P
It's obvious I came from a BIG BIG FAMILY right? HAHA.
Once again, my 19th birthday was a perfect one with all of them around.
Thanks Baby, for treating my family as your own family :)
Thanks everyone who made my 19th bday this wonderful.
Thanks FB friends who wish me,
Thanks Daddy & Mummy, they bought me the RED Baby-G watch that I always wanted!
Ah Girl loves you all and will try hard to be a good girl :P
Thanks my 3 lil bros for the Ferero Rocher, I shared them with you all right:D
Thanks Berlians for the bday songs and cakes,
Thanks Juinyie & Qinggui for Padini tanktops & sunglass :)
Thanks relatives,
Thanks Ahgong AhMa for the angpao.
Thanks Selyn Babe for the necklace and purse :))
Thanks PeiTing for the pants,
Thanks Geradine for the candies,
Thanks Jesmond for the Fred Perry bag :)
Ohhyaa, and I'd never forget, Baby surprised me with THIS!!
Really surprising! Never thought Baby would specially buy me an angry bird cake,
after he knew I love the youtube video of angry bird cake.
And couch purse♥ he's been complaining at my ugly purse with pen ink-.-
Thanks Baby, for taking leave to join me on my Bday trip too :)
awww. Imma happy girl :D
I've been counting every 15th of each month,
And today, 15th March 2011! Happy Anniversary Mr.Limciahao♥
It's been a year, thanks for being by my side, thanks for holding me tight, whenever I was about to fall, thanks for your patience when finding ways to help me with stress, thanks for every surprise, when I thought you wouldn't:P When I first met you, I had no idea you'd be so important to me. You know I love you, till the rose wilted♥
Grr! I think I'm a noob-.-
Supposed to prepare breakfast for him,
but end up woke up late :(
But still he was surprised, with the rose I folded:P
Pray for Japan, save the earth.
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